Have you ever wondered if plants sleep? It turns out that plants like humans also have an internal clock. During the day plants open up their flowers to attract pollinators. Pollinators are animals like bees and butterflies that are capable of moving pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower. During the day, plants also soak up as much sunlight , groundwater and minerals from the soil that they can. How do plants soak up sunlight? Plants soak up sunlight through the leaves because of tiny parts called cells. Inside the cells even smaller parts called chloroplasts. The chloroplasts of a plant are able to take in the light and give plants their green color. Without the chloroplasts plants would not be green. Photosynthesis is the process through which plants turn light energy into chemical energy that they need in order to survive. At night, all the energy that the plant gathered from the sunlight is used to create sugars that help build up the plant’s stem, leaves and roots. Over time this is how plants grow.